As I like to cater to your individual preferences, every request or order is personally handled by me. Therefore, there is no 'Buy Now' button or shopping cart on my website. You can find all relevant information about my jewelry in the item description. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. You can access the contact form directly via a link and easily place an order or send your inquiry to me. If you prefer to use a 'Buy Now' function, you can visit my ETSY SHOP.

All listed prices and offers already include the 19% value-added tax. For custom orders or individual requests, you will receive a non-binding price quote tailored to your needs. Tax for countries outside the EU will be adjusted accordingly.

After you've placed your order or commissioned a custom piece from me, you will receive an invoice with all the necessary information to make the payment. Payment is always in advance and can be made either via bank transfer or through PayPal.

The waiting time for custom-made jewelry pieces varies depending on the complexity and workload. For ready-made jewelry or repairs, the waiting time is a maximum of three days. I will provide you with the exact delivery time for your personal order or inquiry in advance.

Wherever you are in the world, your jewelry will always be shipped securely via DHL or UPS with adequate insurance. To ensure your jewelry arrives safely and intact, it will be packaged in a jewelry box and can be presented as a gift if needed.

I wholeheartedly stand behind the quality of my work and offer support that extends beyond the short term. If you ever encounter an issue or if a piece of jewelry is damaged, I will work with you to find a quick and uncomplicated solution - even if your purchase was made some time ago.

For the creation of my jewelry pieces, I exclusively use high-quality materials sourced from reliable suppliers and partners in Germany and Europe. I've been working with many of them for decades. You have the choice between various precious metals such as silver and gold alloys, as well as other metals like bronze, stainless steel, or brass. I also incorporate select natural materials like gemstones, pearls, or wood. Each piece of jewelry is stamped with a hallmark indicating its fineness (925, 333, 375, 585, 750, or 900) and my logo, 'GL'

I also offer gift vouchers as a gift idea. Whether it's for ready-made jewelry or a custom special order, with a voucher, you're giving the gift of joy and the freedom of choice. Just get in touch with me, and we'll discuss all the details.

My inspiration for new ideas often stems from pure curiosity about life, the drive to create something beautiful, and the lifestyles and requests of my customers. All jewelry pieces are personally designed and crafted by me. From design to the finished piece, there are often up to 20 different steps involved. Creating something with my hands that may be admired by generations to come gives me a wonderful feeling and brings me joy in what I do.
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